Cifra melódica:
fá, fá, fá, fá, lá, dó, lá, lá, fá,... sol, sol, sol,
sol, mi, sol, mi, dó.
fá, fá, fá, fá,
lá, dó, lá, lá, fá,... dó, dó, dó, dó, fá, fá.
He is, she is, it is, Linda is,
this is, that is, everyone is.
We are, they are, Jonh and Coco are,
you are, you are, I am.
He likes, she likes, it likes, Kevin likes,
this likes, that likes, everyone likes.
We like, they like, Jack and Wendy like,
you like, you like, I like.
He goes, she goes, it goes, Danny goes,
this goes, that goes, everyone goes.
We go, they go, Frank and Tina go,
you go, you go, I go.
He works, she works, it works, Jack works,
this works, that works, everyone works.
We work, they work, Amy and Peter work,
you work, you work, I work.
He does, she does, it does, Daniel does,
this does, that does, everyone does.
We do, they do, Cici and Andy do,
you do, you do, I do.
He sings, she sings, it sings, Grace sings,
this sings, that sings, everyone sings.
We sing, they sing, Alice and Eric sing,
you sing, you sing, I sing.