
Inscreva-se no canal ProAlex


Uncountable and countable nouns

(Country lento)

   C                                        F                                                                      
I can’t count food, but I can count fish.
  G                                         C
I can’t count peace, but I can for all I wish.
   C                                         F               Bb                                                   
I can’t count water, but I can count glasses.
  G                                         C
I can’t count bread, but I can count slices.
   C                                                   F                                                                      
I can’t count knowledge, but I can count subjects.
   G                                   C
I can’t count art, but I can count pieces.
  C                                           F                   Bb
I can’t count advice, and I can’t count help.
      G                                                     C
But I can count the times I hear my dog yelp.
C                                          F                                             
How many fingers am I holding up?
G                                              C                                        
How much money do you have?
C                                            F                      Bb                     
How much water do you have in that cup?
G                                                  C                                    
How many people make you laugh?

I can’t count dishware but I can count plates.
I can’t count love only that which she hates.
I can’t count butter but I can count chairs.
I can’t count clothes only the items that the wears.
I can’t count money but I can count coins.
I can’t count sugar but I can tenderloins.
I can’t count salt but I can count years.
I can’t count pepper but I can count beers.
C                        F                          G                              C
I want some I don’t have any. She has a few and he has many.
C                           F                             G                                              C
I will take 3 and he will take a lot. Open up your hands and show me that you’ve got.
C                                     F                       G                            C
How many fingers am I holding up? How much water in that cup?
C                                     F              Bb    G                            C
How many fingers am I holding up? How much water in that cup?
C              C                                          C          C              C                                          C                                                                                            
Uh,… uncountable and countable nouns. Uh,… uncountable and countable nouns.

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?

Cifra melódica:
lá, ré, ré, si, ré... fá# sol, lá.... fá#, mi, ré....

      D                               D    G  A      D   A7  D                                                                                 
Do you like broccoli?...   Yes, I do!... Yes, I do!...
      D                                D    G  A       D   A7  D                                                                       
Do you like ice cream?... Yes, I do!... Yes, I do!
Do you like broccoli ice cream?
No, I don't. Yucky!

Do you like donuts? Yes, I do! Yes, I do!
Do you like juice? Yes, I do! Yes, I do!
Do you like donut juice?
No, I don't. Yucky!

Do you like popcorn? Yes, I do! Yes, I do!
Do you like pizza? Yes, I do! Yes, I do!
Do you like popcorn pizza?
No, I don't. Yucky!

Do you like bananas? Yes, I do! Yes, I do!
Do you like soup? Yes, I do! Yes, I do!
Do you like banana soup?
No, I don't. Yucky!

I like chicken

Cifra melódica (Country slow):

mi, mi, dó#, mi,…
lá, lá, lá, lá,...
mi, mi, dó#, mi,…
sol#, sol#,…
dó#, lá, mi,….
dó#, lá, dó#, lá,...
dó#, mi, dó#, lá,….

fá#, fá#, sol#, sol#, lá, lá, lá,….
lá, fá#, dó#, lá,…
What’s this?
fá#, fá#, lá,….
fá#, fá#, lá,….
dó#, lá, dó#, lá, dó#, sol#,...

I like chicken!
I like fish!

I like ice cream!
What’s this?
This is juice.

Uh, oh! Uh, oh!
    E              A                                      A7
I don’t like juice!

Chicken, chicken, ice cream, fish!
I like ice cream! 

What’s this?
This is juice.
This is juice.
B7                              E7
Uh, oh! Uh, oh! Uh, oh!

Please be quiet

One, two, three, four.

…Please be quiet!
…Please be quiet!
…Please be quiet!
Please be quiet!
Please be quiet!, Please be quiet!
Please be quiet! XXX
Please be quiet!
Ok, I am sorry.

Plural of fruits

Cifra melódica:

mi, mi, mi, mi,, dó, dó, dó, dó,, mi, mi, mi, mi, sol,…
ré, ré, ré, ré,, si, si, si, si,, ré, ré, ré, ré, fá,...
mi, mi, mi, mi,, dó, dó, dó, dó,, mi, mi, mi, mi, sol,…
ré, mi, fá, mi, ré,,… and I like you.

A banana ---- or banana(s).

One banana, two bananas, three bananas, four.
Five bananas, six bananas, seven bananas, more.
Eight bananas, nine bananas, ten bananas, too.
G7                           C
I like bananas and I like you.

A peach ---- or peach(es)

An orange ---- or orange(s)

A apple --- or apple(s)

Plural regular song

Cifra melódica:

dó#, dó#,, ré, mi,, mi1, ré, dó#...
ré, ré,, mi, fá#,, lá, ré, dó#...
mi, mi,, mi, ré,, mi1, si, lá…

One cat, two cats and one dog.
D                                          A
One hat, two hats and one dog.
       E               D                  A
Two hats, two cats and one dog.

One boy, two boys and one dog.
D                                          A
One girl, two girls and one dog.
        E              D                  A              
Two boys, two girls and one dog…
and one dog.

Nouns rock

Cifra melódica (country rock):

Sol, si, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, ré... Sol, si, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, ré...
Ré, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi,... fá#, mi, ré, ré..... Sol, si, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, ré...

Sol, si, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, ré... Sol, sol, ré, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, mi, mi, fá#, mi, ré...
Sol, si, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, ré... Sol, sol, ré, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, mi, mi,... fá#, mi, ré, ré...
Sol, si, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, ré... Sol, sol, ré, ré, ré, ré, mi, mi, mi, mi, fá#, mi, ré... 

    G                                C              G
A person, a place or thing is a noun.
    G                                C              G
A person, a place or thing is a noun.
 G                    C        D(stop the rhythm)                                                                                                                      
If you listen closely,… I will tell you how  (slow)
    G                                C              G
A person, a place or thing is a noun.

    G                           C             G(stop the rhythm)                          
A noun can be any kind of person                 (slow)
                  G                     C             D(stop the rhythm)
Like your mom or your dad or a… policeman

    G                           C            G(stop the rhythm)
A noun can be any kind of place                    (slow)
                    G                     C                D(stop the rhythm)
Like your school or your city or the… United States
    G                           C           G (stop the rhythm)
A noun can be any kind of thing                     (slow)
            G           C             D(stop the rhythm)
Like a car, or a T.V or a… scary dream… (because)

Number song

Cifra melódica:

dó, ré, mi,...
ré, mi, fá,...
dó, ré, mi,...

1-One, 2-two, 3-three,
4-Four, 5-five, 6-six,
7-Seven, 8-eight, 9-nine,

10-Ten, 9-nine, 8-eight,
7-Seven, 6-six, 5-five,
4-Four, 3-three, 2-two,

The rainbow collors

Cifra melódica:

dó, dó, ré, mi, mi, sol,...
ré, mi, ré, dó...
dó, si, lá, fá… si, lá, sol, mi…       
dó, sol, sol, sol, lá, sol, fá, mi, ré
dó, si, lá, fá…  si, lá, sol, mi…       
sol, mi, mi, mi, ré, ré, mi, ré, dó
mi,…   fá, ré,…    mi, dó,…   ré,…   mi,…   fá, ré,…  mi,…

Red, orange, yellow, green, 
G7                  C
blue, purple, pink. (2x)
          F                         C             
It is a rainbow; it is a rainbow,
   C                                        G7   
a beautiful rainbow in the sky
          F                           C                
It is a rainbow; it is a rainbow,
   C             G7                       C
a beautiful rainbow in the sky
C       F           C         G        
Red, orange, yellow, green, 
C       F          C  G7 C F/C C      
blue, purple, pink.


   C                G7                C         C F C G7 C
A beautiful rainbow in the sky (2x)

The big numbers song


D                                                                    A7       G6                       D                                    
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine… Ten,… ten, ten, ten…

   D                                                  A                                                        G6                D                        
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen… Twenty.    
             D                                                                            A                                                                    
Twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty five,
                                                                         G6         D                          
twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine… Thirty.
            D                                                                      A                                                                          Thirty one, thirty two, thirty three, thirty four, thirty five,
                                                             G6                 D               
thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine… Forty.
  D                                                                          A                                        
Forty one, forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five,
                                                           G6            D
forty six, forty seven, forty eight, forty nine… Fifty.
        D                                                         A                                                                                             Fifty one, fifty two, fifty three, fifty four, fifty five,
                                                             G6      D                        
fifty six, fifty seven, fifty eight, fifty nine… Sixty.
        D                                                                    A                                                                             
Sixty one, sixty two, sixty three, sixty four, sixty five,
                                                            G6         D
sixty six, sixty seven, sixty eight, sixty nine… Seventy.
              D                                                                                    A                                                         Seventy one, seventy two, seventy three, seventy four, seventy five,
                                                                                 G6       D
seventy six, seventy seven, seventy eight, seventy nine… Eighty.
             D                                                                       A                                                                        Eighty one, eighty two, eighty three, eighty four, eighty five,
                                                                     G6        D
eighty six, eighty seven, eighty eight, eighty nine… Ninety.
             D                                                                      A                                                                           Ninety one, ninety two, ninety three, ninety four, ninety five,
                                                                      G6               D
ninety six, ninety seven, ninety eight, ninety nine… One hundred,…

        A                                             G6                             D                                                                      
One hundred… one thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand,
              D               A                                            G6                                         
One million,… one million, ten million, a hundred million,
        D                     A                                         G6                                                                         
One billion,… one billion, ten billion, a hundred billion,
        D            A                             G6                                                                                        
One trillion,… numbers, numbers, numbers,
D                 A                             G6              D                                                                      
Numbers… numbers, numbers, numbers,… Numbers…

On, in, under, by

Cifra melódica:

sol#, sol#, lá, lá, lá,…
fa#, fa#, sol#, sol#, sol#,…
mi, mi, fa#, fa#, fa#,…
ré#, si, dó#, dó#, mi, mi…

E           A                                                                                                                            
On, in, under, by….
B7        E                  
On, in, under, by…
C#m      A                 
On, in, under, by…
B7                     E
Where is the PENCIL?


How many fingers do you have?

Cifra melódica:

fa, fa, mi, fa, mi, fa, sol, lá...
lá, sol, lá, sib, dó...
fá,...dó... lá, lá, fá...
dó, sib, lá, sol, fá...

F                                 F
How many fingers do you have?
F                                 F        
One, two, three, four, five,…
F                    F
six, seven,… eight, nine, ten.
C7                         F
Let’s count them again.

F                                 F
How many fingers do you have?
F                                 F        
One, two, three, four, five,…
F                    F
six, seven,… eight, nine, ten.
C7                            F
Now this is the end.

The opposites song

G                      Bm                  C                   D7                                                                                   
Big and small, Short and tall, Narrow and wide, Heavy and light
G                      Bm                     C                   D7                                                                                   
Good and bad, Happy and sad, Open and closed, Yes and no
G                       Bm                   C                      D7                                                                                   
Fast and slow, Young and old, Empty and full, Push and pull
G                     Bm                 C                       D                                                                                    
Hard and soft, On and off, Short and long, Weak and strong

C                 D                                       C                      D                                 D        
Opposites, Opposites, They’re not the same. They are different. They are opposites.

G                       Bm                 C                   D7                                                                                   
Laugh and cry, Wet and dry, Hot and cold, New and old
G                     Bm                  C                  D7                                                                                    
Left and right, Day and night, In and out, Whisper and shout
G                              Bm                    C                          D7          
Rough and smooth, Warm and cool, Curly and straight, Asleep and awake
G                  Bm                   C                        D7                                                                                    
Stop and go, High and low, Up and down, Square and around
G                       Bm                    C                
Quiet and loud, Under and over, Top and bottom, right and wrong
This is the opposite songs.


Big, small, Short and tall, Narrow, wide, Heavy and light
Good, bad, Happy and sad, Open, closed, Yes and no
Fast, slow, Young and old, Empty, full, Push and pull
Hard, soft, On and off, Short, long, Weak, strong
Laugh, cry, Wet and dry, Hot, cold, New and old
Left, right, Day and night, In, out, Whisper, shout
Rough, smooth, Warm and cool, Curly, straight, Asleep and awake
Stop, go, High and low, Up and down, Square and around
C                                             D
Quiet, loud, Under and over, Top and bottom, right and wrong

                 C       D                 G                                       
They are opposites.